
Built the 3D Project

Internship Life Part 4

This time my mission is build the 3D view using 3Dmax with existing furniture layout plan.. 

This project is Setia Putra Show Gallery which had Type A and Type B. Im in charge in doing Type A Living Dining area and Master Bedroom. And Type B Living room, Master bedroom, kid room and kitchen area. 

According to the mood board that Clients suggested, i had done my 3D perspective view successfully in one week time. 

Here are the Type A show unit 3D perspective View.

This is the Type A unit Master Bedroom with a clear tempered glass with some sticker design on it to seperate the working space and sleeping area. With a full height cabinet behind the working space area.

This is the Type A Living Dining area. I had design two different Tv console for my client and at last they had chosen the grey cement design because they feel it more match with the ceiling and *cheaper.

