
Desmond Foo Bungalow aka Master Bedroom Project 2

Internship Life Part 9

After the first meeting with Desmond, *the client* we had some discussion and mood board about his ideal master bedroom. So according to the mood board he send for us, we design 2 more different Master Bedroom options. 

Option 1 
He want to have some lighting at the bed area. We design some hanging lights to replace the side table lamp that he don't want.
We also design some ceiling pattern because client wish to have more design on his ceiling and for the living area he suggest we can use the new tech. projector (Vertical Projection Projector) to replace TV  *he is okay about the budget so far*

Option 2
We had design a lighting wall concept which his want from his mood board. With a colour glass and some T5 lights in it and change the wall paper into laminate wood design with irregular shape within the size of the product.(1200mm x 2400mm)
and the living area still remain the same just change the wall paper design to irregular shape laminate wood.

Conclusion, although this master bedroom design still under clients consideration, but it's a big step for me to do such a nice explore on so many materials and design and i hope clients will love the hardworking of me and my patterns =) 

