
Desmond Foo Bungalow aka RCP Plan Detail Drawing Project 2

Internship Life Part 14

When the others are busying on the 3D perspective view, the girl who done have to do other stuffs also.. >< i was asking by my supervisor to help her draw the RCP plan according to the existing site photo ( which cant change d ) and some 3D perspective view that we had done. 

Here are the Ground Floor RCP Plan that I had done.
The client had renovate some place so I also have to put some lighting, fan and air-corn according the space size and function too. 

Here are the First Floor RCP Plan that I had done.
The client had build extra more space for living area and balcony too.. So i try to arrange according the 3D perspective view that did by my colleague.
Here are the Second Floor RCP Plan that I had done.
Most of the lighting, fan and aircond on this floor are remain the same except the gym area. From the explanation of her design, i had redraw her design on the RCP plan. 

Conclusion, the challenge of this project will be this house still under renovate, cant 100% sure about the location i put are the correct one.. Maybe have to draw again the As build drawings again.. =)


Desmond Foo Bungalow aka Home Office Detail Drawing Project 1

Internship Life Part 13

Desmond Foo Bungalow Project again =) This time is Home Office area. Im in charge in detailing drawing of it. According to the existing 3D perspective view, i had to draw the external and internal elevation with some section view too...

After the discussion with boss about the function of all the drawers and cabinets, he decide to leave doorless for the cabinet under the table. So i had to change some design of the 3D perspective view and this are the outcome according the detail drawings.

The space for keep the plugs have added too and the "doorless" cabinet under the table.And add on some nice view for the window too. 

Conclusion of this project is when design we sometime will miss out some detail but when draw the detail drawing will specific it out something like the gap between the drawers, the thickness of the wood between the wall and the cabinets, and the function of every close door cabinet and adjustable shelf or not and the thickness of every materials. All have to be so careful handle when I draw all the detail drawings.

Day of an Assistant for Setting up Maju KL Project Day 2

Internship Life Part 12

On day 2, because mostly had done yesterday so Im the only one intern who went to the site again. But because kinda rush i din really take much picture about the finish site. 

But,here are some pictures of the all different space area. 

The Living Area

The Dining Area 

The deco that i made. So worry i might be broke all the wood piece art if i put too much energy on it >.<

The Master Bedroom

*the bed sheet we had to iron it so it don't look like hundred persons had run or jump on it*

The Ground Floor Kid Room

Using some fake book to deco the cupboard and a bean beg as a reading area next to the window..

Conclusion,great experience for me because i can really know the process from site visit --> draw plan  --> design furniture layout plan  --> 3D perspective view --> detail drawing --> order --> meeting --> presentation and last is the outcome of your hardwork.. I believe it can be so pretty for every time when the contractor make our 3D perspective view become real.

Day of an Assistant for Setting up Maju KL Project Day 1

Internship Life Part 11

One more week going to be my Head of the designer department due date for her show unit. My boss had asked me and my colleague follow my senior designer to her show unit to help and assist setting up.

What are the meaning of setting up? It means when the designer 3D had been approved and now they going to display out and designer need to bring the 3D into the real life in the room they provided. And we have to buy some decorative stuff and cushion, pillow and more.

First day we went to some shopping *under budget* for some deco stuffs. From Ikea to Typo, we had bought a lot and start our setting up mission. And the show unit actually quite near TBS bus station. It was under Maju KL project.

 I had capture some before pictures when i start to work.
The master bedroom area.

The Living area 

The Ground Floor kid room 

We went there to deco the rooms like how my senior designer design and put some pillows, cushion and some plants and fake books. 

Desmond Foo Bungalow aka Master Bathroom Project 1

Internship Life Part 10 

Next space i'm asking to design is Master Bathroom. The client have a condition is he want to put a jacuzzi inside his master bathroom.. (*OMG*) 

My supervisor said that, every intern must to be a Queen Or King of Toilet.. Im so speechless.. I had research the brand that my intern company always use which is Feruni because they had many different design, size, surface and texture.! 

My mind had some idea about the tiles to separate the shower area and the jacuzzi space. 

Here are some 3D perspective views of my design on Master Bathroom.
Once he entry he can see the reflection of his jacuzzi on the right side and the shower area with a timber pattern tiles on his left. Solid surface on the basin with laminate on the drawers and the 2 box up using the same type of solid surface.
My client want to have a NICHE in his shower area and a bench too..Using different kind of tiles can make the design in the shower area more special and divide from the whole space. (if it had difference function with the others.)
The Jacuzzi! and last is the tiles that i want show is i choose (200mmx200mm), (400mmx400mm) and (200mmx400mm) in not systematic way. Im glad i make a great decision because my client are in loved with it and i pass this space!!

Conclusion, im so happy that after my boss and supervisor show it to client and he felt it was so nice and decided that this space no need to change can pass already. and im so glad that my hardworking get someone appreciate..

*heart shape* *heart shape* 

Desmond Foo Bungalow aka Master Bedroom Project 2

Internship Life Part 9

After the first meeting with Desmond, *the client* we had some discussion and mood board about his ideal master bedroom. So according to the mood board he send for us, we design 2 more different Master Bedroom options. 

Option 1 
He want to have some lighting at the bed area. We design some hanging lights to replace the side table lamp that he don't want.
We also design some ceiling pattern because client wish to have more design on his ceiling and for the living area he suggest we can use the new tech. projector (Vertical Projection Projector) to replace TV  *he is okay about the budget so far*

Option 2
We had design a lighting wall concept which his want from his mood board. With a colour glass and some T5 lights in it and change the wall paper into laminate wood design with irregular shape within the size of the product.(1200mm x 2400mm)
and the living area still remain the same just change the wall paper design to irregular shape laminate wood.

Conclusion, although this master bedroom design still under clients consideration, but it's a big step for me to do such a nice explore on so many materials and design and i hope clients will love the hardworking of me and my patterns =) 

Desmond Foo Bungalow aka Master Bedroom Project 1

Internship Life Part 8

The day before end work, my boss had ask me and my friend, Rax that we going to follow him to site on the next day so ask us wear some proper outfit. Im so excited that because im going to site measure. 

The next day we had went to Sri Kembangan to the client haven renovate house to have so site measure and im cooperate with one of my company site supervisor and she use her meter ruler so fast and accurate .. (i almost can't chase her speed).

After 3 hours in the site, we had went back to office draw a accurate floor plan and start design a furniture layout plan which include 2 son room for each one of them(17 and 13 y.old), home office, master bedroom, 3 guests room, wet and dry kitchen, 2 living rooms, dining area, gym area, staircase, hall way and a daughter(7 y.old) room.

Here, I had ask to design and build out some 3D perspective view of the master bedroom according the furniture layout plan. 

This is the sleeping area i had design according the furniture layout plan.

For the master living area will be more hard because for the beginning we still haven sure about the location of the air-cond can change or not. Without much info, our design are limited also.

So, i had design an option 2 for my client to have so concept first about what he really want. (because my boss think that client will prefer more to see 3D perspective views)

Last, I also in charge design the dressing area according the furniture layout plan. I had custom make some wardrobe and cabinets shelf for the clients to reference before the first meeting start.

Conclusion, this project kinda messy in the start because after we measure and draw the furniture layout plan clients din really tell us what he really want. So we try to find more mood board according his family members. We try to make as much 3D as we can before the first meeting and discussion from the 3D we do and add on, improve. 

*free design* *always realistic*