
Detailing Drawing and Option xN Project 1

Internship life Part 6

Today my mission is to draw  some detail drawing of a new Casa Green Unit and the clients wanna see some more other design options about the TV console because he wanna save some budget but he wanna kinda remain a bit the design that we show him. (okay..!><)

First,here are some 5 design options(suggestion) that i had change for him
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5

Finally he's cool with my option 4 but he wish i can change another laminate colour for him and i choose a darker one for him. *suppose there is a island and a dry kitchen area at the air-cond wall there but he choose to change all and replace with altar.* 

After he choose for the design of the TV console, im ask to draw the detail drawing for the contractors so they can start build for the clients.

