
Desmond Foo Bungalow aka Home Office Detail Drawing Project 1

Internship Life Part 13

Desmond Foo Bungalow Project again =) This time is Home Office area. Im in charge in detailing drawing of it. According to the existing 3D perspective view, i had to draw the external and internal elevation with some section view too...

After the discussion with boss about the function of all the drawers and cabinets, he decide to leave doorless for the cabinet under the table. So i had to change some design of the 3D perspective view and this are the outcome according the detail drawings.

The space for keep the plugs have added too and the "doorless" cabinet under the table.And add on some nice view for the window too. 

Conclusion of this project is when design we sometime will miss out some detail but when draw the detail drawing will specific it out something like the gap between the drawers, the thickness of the wood between the wall and the cabinets, and the function of every close door cabinet and adjustable shelf or not and the thickness of every materials. All have to be so careful handle when I draw all the detail drawings.

