
Design a Condo Project Part A

Internship Life Part 1..

Boss came to me, Rax and Shook Fun and said.." Guys, i have two Casa Green Condo Type B to design and one Casa Green Condo Type A.. You three can choose yourselves and design according the mood you guys like but must realistic hor.! And... please done it in one month!" *OMG*

I have done all my project so I got the chance to choose which one I like and with some "imagination family" I have decide to choose Casa Green Condo B to design..

"Imagination Family" List : Parents, 2 daughters and a son. (5 persons) 

First, we had to design a furniture layout plan first and pass my boss stage...and after some concept and explanation and discussion with boss.. I had pass my furniture layout plan in 1 week! *Oh Yeah!!*

Boss want us to design master bedroom, living and dining area, TV Room, bedroom 2 and bedroom 3.

The Dining Area with a Wine rak and some dry kitchen cabinet on the side.
A shoes cabinet with a full length mirror when you entry from the entrance.
A marble style wallpaper and the background of the TV and a TV cabinet on the side with mirror background to make the living room space look wider and bigger.
The full view of the living and dining area with the hallway to the rooms.

